The small-scale, invitation-only ceremony was hosted at Hanover Hall by the Dunedin Theatre Reviewers Collective, and was a chance to reward theatrical achievements in 2020 and 2021.
"Shows have had to be cancelled, postponed and staged under difficult circumstances — in many cases just getting performances to happen has been a major achievement," Harwood said.
Dunedin Theatre Reviewers Collective "living taonga" Louise Petherbridge QSO was on hand to present the winners with their framed certificates.
Presenting the award to McDonald, Frame paid tribute to his breadth of knowledge and understanding of theatre’s impact on audiences, and highlighted his direct involvement in 44 productions.
Presenting the award to O’Connor, MacTavish highlighted the extraordinary range of his acting talent and his many successful roles, as well as his work as a playwright determined to tell important stories.
Dunedin Theatre Awards Winners:
Production of the Year: Resilience, A Lockdown Theatre Response (Wow! Productions & Theatreworks)
Outstanding Director: Lisa Warrington — The End of the Golden Weather (Wow! Productions)
Performance Female Role: Kimberley Buchan — The Glass Menagerie (Globe Theatre)
Performance Male Role: Matt Wilson — The End of the Golden Weather (Wow! Productions)
Performance Ensemble: Sophie Graham & Alex Martyn — Lemons, Lemons, Lemons, Lemons, Lemons (Arcade Theatre Company)
Community Theatre: Bittersweet: Unwrapping Cadbury’s (Talking House)
Script/Narrative/Libretto: Michael Metzger — The Changing Shed
Design & Technology: Charmian Smith — costumes for Murder in the Cathedral (Dunedin Medieval Society/Suitcase Theatre)
Touring Production: Wild Dogs Under My Skirt
Emerging talent: Jordan Wichman
Outstanding Contribution to Dunedin Theatre — Alister McDonald
Outstanding Contribution to Dunedin Theatre — Simon O’Connor