Chief executive Mike Coggan did not want to comment on the restructuring or potential job losses while the organisation was still working through the process.
"All I can say, and I can’t get into any detail whatsoever,
is as a result of Covid and
the forecasted downturn across a number of our revenue areas, we are having to make some proposed changes," he said.
"I can’t say any more than that until we have finished this process."
The Otago Cricket Association received $88,555.20 from the Government’s wage subsidy scheme and staff worked reduced hours during the break for Covid-19.
The organisation also received up to $40,000 from Sport New Zealand’s first resilience fund.
That will have helped but the organisation faces a large drop in revenue.
"We are forecasting, and it has sort of improved recently, that it will be around about $200,000 in regional funding and revenues.
"New Zealand cricket has committed to keeping its level of commitment to the major associations the same as it was last year.
"And we are basically having to consider what our situation looks like this year and forecast what it might look like for the year after that and the year after that."
Cricket has some lean times ahead and Coggan said it
was important the organisation "preserve our financial reserve to be able to
continue to invest in regional cricket over the next three years".
"Who knows what happens with the international window and broadcasting and all the rest of it beyond that, because we are heavily reliant on New Zealand Cricket as a top-down funded sport.
"We just have to be prudent and make sure we can still deliver our community game."
The Otago Cricket Association reported a modest surplus of $14,669 for the financial period ending July 31, 2019.
Its net revenue grew from $3,495,147 to $3,778,529.
But its total expenses also rose, increasing from $3,486,866 to $3,763,860. Its equity was $371,610.