On Sunday, police said they were searching for Naya Ropiu Fabian Wharekura, who had breached his electronic bail conditions in Ngaruawahia, in the Waikato.
He was charged with murder after a stabbing near the Invercargill District Court in Don St on April 23 last year, which killed Chad Parekura.
He was also charged with the attempted murder of Jazz Austin McGregor.
A police spokeswoman said yesterday Wharekura was released on electronically-monitored bail on June 22 after police — represented by the Crown — opposed the application.
They were advised last week he had breached his bail conditions and a warrant for his arrest was granted by the High Court at Invercargill last Friday.
Speaking to the Otago Daily Times yesterday, Mr Parekura’s partner, Heidi-Paige Hunwick, who had a son with the victim, said she was frustrated with the situation as she was not approached by police or court staff alerting her about the bail breach.
She had been told about the breach by Mr Parekura’s sister, she said.
"I personally haven’t even had a call from any authorities ... and we still haven’t heard anything.
"You’d think there would be like a kind of Victim Support or protection kind of thing because we are witnesses — but it’s not."
Since her partner’s death, she had been diagnosed with complicated grief because of struggles sleeping and continuing her daily routine.
She did not understand why the accused man was granted bail and the situation was adding even more stress for the victim’s family.
"I think we all just feel let down.
"There was no consideration for our safety.
"The situation is already so traumatic as it is.
"I just feel like Chad hasn’t been served his justice. He hasn’t been respected."
A Department of Corrections spokeswoman confirmed yesterday Wharekura was subject to electronically-monitored bail.
The granting or refusal of bail was a judicial decision and the police were responsible for responding to any instances of non-compliance and undertaking all enforcement action, she said.
"We acknowledge this will be an incredibly distressing time for the victim’s family, and encourage anyone with information on this person’s whereabouts to contact police."
The Ministry of Justice and Corrections said they were unable to provide further information about Wharekura’s bail conditions because the matter was the subject of an active investigation.
Police yesterday also denied lack of support for the victim’s family.
"Family members of Mr Wharekura’s victim have been kept up to date on the fact that he has breached bail and have been offered support."
She said police continued to seek Wharekura for breaching bail conditions.