ES long-term plan pact with community

Environment Southland is developing its 2024-34 long-term plan, which outlines the work we plan to do for the next 10 years.

Once adopted, it becomes our contract with our community.

It covers services we provide for the community, how we measure our performance against our targets, what strategies and policies help us achieve our plan, what capital expenditure is planned, how everything is funded and our budget.

Three significant matters the council is considering for the plan are:

 - Investing in our ageing flood protection infrastructure, as adverse weather events are becoming more frequent, severe and enduring.

 - Reviewing funding, including howcosts of improving flood protection infrastructure will be shared and what that could mean for rates.

 - How to pay debt related to climate-resilience flood protection upgrade projects (shovel ready), jointly funded with the government.

Next month, we will produce a consultation document outlining the significant matters for this region and seeking people’s views about how the council plans to address them and fund them.

A hearing will follow, where submitters can present their feedback to help our councillors make key decisions.

Hearing community views is an important part of the process and I encourage you to participate.

Councillors, staff and I will be on hand at events around the region, such as local A&P shows.

Keep an eye out on our website and Facebook page for more information on Environment Southland’s long-term plan and how to have your say.

— Wilma Falconer is chief executive of Environment Southland.