Dancers clean up down south

Photo: supplied
Photo: supplied
Gore dancers (clockwise from left) Dada Chantaraviroj, 16, Pip La Roux, 16, Ellie McKelvie, 14, Mikayla Doorey, 14, Aaliyah Silvester, 13, Hana Brandon, 14 and Sabrina Chan, 17, had a successful weekend at the DanceNZmade workshops and competition in Invercargill on June 7-8.

The dancers took part in eight hours of dance workshops over the weekend and competed in a variety of sections and as part of the Illuminate hip-hop crew.

Illuminate won the Intermediate group section and were named the overall group champions for 2024.

Dada and Aaliyah also placed first in the Intermediate duo/trio section while Dada, Pip and Mikayla placed first in the senior duo/trio section and were named the overall duo/trio champions for 2024.

Dada also placed second runner-up in the senior hip-hop section.

The dancers are looking forward to competing at the DanceNZmade interschool competition next month.