The casket was up for sale by Invercargill woman Trish Turner, who was moving to the North Island and needed to downsize.
She originally bought the coffin "for an absolute bargain" from a Dunedin builder who had gone into liquidation.
"I actually bought it as a coffee table, then because it took up so much room, I was going to get my brother to put some shelves in it and use it has a novelty bookcase."
While the coffin is being relocated to its new Riversdale farm home, it is unlikely it will see a quiet life.
New owners Marcus and Tracey Pennicott plan to use it as a prop in the back of their hearse.
They will have it airbrushed to match their custom-painted hearse and Harley-Davidson’s paintwork.
The couple often entered their hearse in car shows, Mrs Pennicott said.
They were hoping it would be well received at the next Balfour Backyard Beauties exhibition this weekend.
Ms Turner assured the Southland Express the coffin was in unused condition. One of its handles was still plastic-wrapped.
If it had not sold, plan B had been to use it for its original purpose.
"I thought if worst comes to worst, it’s always something that you’re going to need ... and that’s one less thing I have to buy."
Visitors to her property had been put off by its presence in the lounge because it "creeped them out", she said.
"But it’s no big deal. It’s just a piece of furniture."
She failed to understand why people found it creepy.
But after someone failed to refit the lid properly after looking inside, she did have a problem with it.
"In saying that, there’s no way in hell I would’ve slept in the same room with it."
By Toni McDonald