Big breakfasts for a big game

The crowd at the Ethan de Groot's home turf at the Invercargill Blues Rugby Clubrooms watched the...
The crowd at the Ethan de Groot's home turf at the Invercargill Blues Rugby Clubrooms watched the final minutes of the 2023 Rugby World Cup in stunned silence on Sunday. PHOTOS: TONI McDONALD
Baked beans, hash browns, sausages and eggs were on the menu at multiple venues around the city as crowds gathered to watch the 2023 Rugby World Cup final on Sunday.

Some churches in the city cooked up a storm before their morning services.

South African Frikke Du Plessis, tucked into a cooked breakfast with his daughter Lourencia, 6, at the Invercargill Christian Centre before the big match started.

The Invercargill Blues Rugby clubrooms — All Black Ethan de Groot’s home club — opened its doors at 6.30am on Sunday where a cooked breakfast was also on the menu for members and their families.

An indoor "de Groot grandstand" had been erected in his honour for members to watch the match, which South Africa won, 12-11.

Frikkie Du Plessis enjoys a cooked breakfast with his daughter Lourencia, 6, at the Invercargill...
Frikkie Du Plessis enjoys a cooked breakfast with his daughter Lourencia, 6, at the Invercargill Christian Centre before the Rugby World Cup final kicked off on Sunday morning.
Club captain Sam Muir said he was "absolutely gutted" with the result and the TMO influence on the game was "unfortunate".

"We’ve got a really good club community here based on supporting families and things. So it’s good to see the turnout here and good to see the backing behind the ABs as well especially with our player Ethan de Groot out there who is a very passionate and loyal Blues boy."

Uproarious and excited shouts filled the clubrooms throughout the game but in the final minutes, the room fell into a stunned silence as the reality of the national defeat sank in.

 - By Toni McDonald