Defibrillator closer to hand

Te Whare Manaaki South Centre manager MaryAnn Kuiti plans to install street signage to tell the...
Te Whare Manaaki South Centre manager MaryAnn Kuiti plans to install street signage to tell the community it has an outdoor AED available. PHOTO: TONI MCDONALD
South Centre, on Jenkin St, has jumped at the chance to install an outdoor defibrillator.

Te Whare Manaaki South Centre Anglican Care Trust health and safety officer Lucy Murdoch said the centre had had a device, but it was located indoors, which limited access.

The automated external defibrillator (AED) was now available 24/7.

"So that means the wider community can use it.

"If someone’s got a loved one in trouble really close by then they can get help."

The box could be opened by an access code provided from a 111 emergency operator.

The defibrillator was easy to use, she said.

" [The 111 operators] talk you through it. The machine is all step-by-step ... Anybody could use it, even a child could use it to save somebody.

"People who have elderly parents living quite close by have said that it’s really good to know it’s here.

"We were very grateful to ILT and St John because we were going to try and figure out where we would find funds to get [a lockbox] from, because they’re not cheap."

The centre’s staff were responsible for checking and charging the battery.

Te Whare Manaaki South Centre manager MaryAnn Kuiti said she would be looking at signage options that would make it simple for people to locate the device.

ILT Foundation chairman Paddy O’Brien said the trust was delighted to fund an initiative that had the potential to save lives.

"Together we have installed over 75 defibrillators across Invercargill and we’re aiming for 80 to celebrate our 80th anniversary this year."

He said the trust looked forward to continuing support for the vital work that Hato Hone St John did in the community.

The programme had expanded, which meant more lifesaving devices were more accessible to the community.

"The team from Hato Hone St John does an incredible job of installing the machines, training people and ensuring devices remain in top condition through regular servicing."

A Hato Hone St John spokesperson said it was very happy the ILT partnership had helped to install many of the the city’s 238 devices.

While some were indoors and some outdoors, not all outdoor AED were signposted. But outdoor models could be easily identified by the bright yellow box, the spokesperson said.

A list of AED devices can be found at

A downloadable app with AED device locations is also available on the internet.

 - By Toni McDonald