Charity event needed now more than ever

Melissa Aitken is calling out for donations for the 18th Southlanders in Need event on July 28 at...
Melissa Aitken is calling out for donations for the 18th Southlanders in Need event on July 28 at the Aurora College gymnasium. PHOTO: NINA TAPU
The Southlanders in Need event is back in its ninth year and after 17 events, it is needed now more than ever.

It will be held at Aurora College gymnasium (through the Tramway Rd entrance) on Sunday, July 28, from 1pm to 3.30pm.

Southlanders struggling with everyday living are encouraged to attend the event which offered a range of services on the day including free haircuts, manicures, massages and health check-ups.

Families can take away a bag of grocery items as well as benefit from getting access to a selection of clothes and shoes.

Organiser Melissa Aitken has put out the call again for the Southland community to donate non-perishable items for the cause and asked volunteers to provide their time and support for the important event.

"I am looking for more hairdressers, chiropractors, massage therapists with chairs and podiatrists, plus I would like a doctor, nurse and a dentist to help," Ms Aitken said.

The event used to be held twice a year but has now changed to just during the winter.

People are encouraged to give non-perishable food for the take home grocery bags, as well as toiletries, nappies, pre-loved clothes, books, shoes and more.

"Fenz will be there collecting numbers so they can install fire alarms in homes, NZ Electorate will collect details for the electoral roll and the Shoe Booth collects ball dresses, second-hand shoes and give these away."

This year the event did not have a catering group to provide soup which was a staple meal that fed the visitors during the winter afternoon so she urged any local company to step up and provide the much-needed meal.

"Southlanders are very generous people.

"When you see the look on someone’s face when they walk away having their hair cut or with a bag of groceries to feed their whanau; that’s what this is all about," she said.

Donations need to be dropped off to the Southland Express office, 5 The Crescent, Invercargill, by noon on Friday, July 26.

For more information check out Ms Aitken's social media page Free Haircuts/Services For Southlanders In Need or call her on 027 533-3600.

 - By Nina Tapu