Battles, victories shared

Southland Girls' High School pupils got to hear Dame Sophie Pascoe's "Dare to Dream" message on...
Southland Girls' High School pupils got to hear Dame Sophie Pascoe's "Dare to Dream" message on Monday afternoon to inspire them onto bigger and brighter futures. Photo: Toni McDonald
Paralympian multi-medallist swimmer Dame Sophie Pascoe wants her battles and wins to be an inspiration to young New Zealanders.

Dame Sophie openly shared her journey with James Hargest College and Southland Girls’ High School pupils on Monday.

The two school visits were part of her "Dare to Dream" tour of New Zealand.

"I wanted to get out to the community and help people and inspire people to achieve their dreams"

People often did not see the entire picture of what was involved in achieving.

"It’s not always smooth sailing. You have to adapt to a lot of changes. Sometimes success looks picture perfect from the outside, but there’s so much that goes on behind closed doors, behind the scenes"

She hoped the things she shared would inspire the pupils — especially when setting goals.

Her father had been with her when she lost her leg in a lawn-mower accident when she was 2 and a-half years old.

"I can’t imagine the image that he’s lived with.

"But to win this gold medal and lock eyes with him while I’m on the podium listening to the national anthem and see that he’s crying — that was the moment that I just got to wipe away the image that he lived with into one as a world champion"

The accident held no regrets for her. But recovery had not been without struggles.

Accepting her physical appearance and developing self confidence had been challenging.

"So be kind to yourself as well ... Goals aren’t always going to be achieved"

By Toni McDonald