People: Balclutha Rainbow Run

Kevin Carson and Ngarita Carter watch the fun at Balclutha’s new Centennial Park from their...
Kevin Carson and Ngarita Carter watch the fun at Balclutha’s new Centennial Park from their backyard.
Olivia Deacon, Olivia Adam, Tegan Hollows and Adam Cowie of Shand Thomson accountants in...
Olivia Deacon, Olivia Adam, Tegan Hollows and Adam Cowie of Shand Thomson accountants in Balclutha, running the Rainbow Run green colour station.
Isla Tweed (11), Billie Bradford (8), Millie Tweed (11) holding Wilbur (4), Eve Bradfield (12)...
Isla Tweed (11), Billie Bradford (8), Millie Tweed (11) holding Wilbur (4), Eve Bradfield (12) Sadie Bradfield (8, front), Ava Tweed (9) and George Tweed (7), all of Waitahuna and Lawrence.
Heather Gardner, warming up for the Balclutha Rainbow Run.
Heather Gardner, warming up for the Balclutha Rainbow Run.
Reg, Charlene and Abigail (4) Cloete, of Balclutha, walking the rainbow run.
Reg, Charlene and Abigail (4) Cloete, of Balclutha, walking the rainbow run.

At the Balclutha Centennial Park grand opening and Night ’n Day Rainbow Run, Saturday, November 12.

Photos by Nick Brook; prints available from