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Exhibitor Hunter Draffin, 9, of Musselburgh School, with his parents Simon and Alana Draffin. PHOTOS: LINDA ROBERTSON

Exhibitor Daisy Dickson, 8, of Portobello School, and her father Aidan Dickson.

Alan Sew Hoy, exhibitor Hazel Sew Hoy, 6, of Grants Braes School, her sister Gisele Sew Hoy, 8, and mother Josephine Leong.

Bayfield High School pupils Louis Meldrum, 16, and Luka Reusch, 16.

Siblings Lola, 8, Franco, 3, and exhibitor Bonnie Fraser, 10, of Andersons Bay School.

Exhibitor Arlo Horan, 7, of Grants Braes School, with his parents John Horan and Esther Wells.
Bayfield High School, Thursday, August 3