Taste of normality gathering at cafe for quiz and coffee

Having to sit 2m apart, outside, in their own bubble is for some Wanaka locals a small price to pay for regaining a sense of normality.

Before the Covid-19 crisis, the ‘‘ODT quiz group’’ used to meet every morning at 8.30 at Wanaka’s Kai Whakapai cafe to do the Ten Questions quiz.

During the Level 4 lockdown they continued to meet via Zoom. But the group has been back physically now the cafe has reopened.

‘‘We made a point of coming down here and having coffee to show our support for the cafe, and to put money back in the economy,’’ group member Jonathan Walmisley said.

Cafe owner Roger North said since opening, the cafe had only been doing 5% of its regular trade and he remained fearful for the future.

Group members are (from left) Jonathan Walmisley, David Palls, Juliet and Rod Hicks, and Carlene, Ashleigh and Robert Cram.


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