The agenda for its meeting on Thursday - served up by Queenstown Lakes District Council staff - contains the next course in the Wanaka town centre master plan and Wanaka integrated transport programme business case process - a selection of spatial frameworks, movement strategies, street hierarchies, lake front zones, town centre visions and much more.
The master plan is now so big it has been separated into four easy-to-email sections.
Much of it has been consulted on before - including such ideas as blocking off Ardmore St where it runs through Pembroke Park.
However, this time there is also a new document to be prepared, known as a "network optimisation single-stage business case'', which will involve more investigation of the options over the next year.
Council general manager property and Infrastructure Peter Hansby said yesterday the community board was being asked to support the more detailed investigations, "as requested by the community and transport engineers''.
"The last round of community engagement delivered a clear message that more investigation and detailed understanding was required before progressing some of the elements proposed in the master plan,'' Mr Hansby said.
The business case would provide the detailed evidence required to make changes to the transport network to provide more walking and cycling opportunities, achieve ideal traffic flows on Brownston St and State Highway 84, and further explore the need for, and potential location of, a town centre bypass.
Mr Hansby described the documents as "a snapshot in time'', examining the problems and opportunities in the town centre and wider transport network, and the suggested projects that could be done over 30 years.
The NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) had approved $510,000 "to progress'' the single stage business case.
The work will include a parking management strategy.
Mr Hansby is recommending the board note his report, the contents of the various documents and "endorse the progression'' of the single stage business case.
According to the NZTA such a case should, among other things, deliver a preferred option that represents value for money and is the best option.