Hopes display will win again

George Wallis stands beside his restored 1950 International truck which was driven to the Wanaka...
George Wallis stands beside his restored 1950 International truck which was driven to the Wanaka A&P Showgrounds yesterday, where it will be the centrepiece of a display of his vintage truck and tractor collection dating back to the 1920s. Photo:...
The winner of last year's best large trade stand award at the Wanaka A&P Show hopes he will do so again with a display of trucks and tractors dating back to the 1920s.

Willowridge Developments and Central Machine Hire owner and director Allan Dippie said this year their stand would celebrate the International Harvester brand and feature a collection of 20 vintage trucks and tractors belonging to Warbirds over Wanaka co-founder George Wallis.

``George has been involved with the A&P show for years so it will also be a kind of life and times of George Wallis.''

Mr Wallis began collecting International Harvester vintage tractors and trucks in the 1960s when he was living in Haast.

He said his fascination with tractors stemmed from his youth when his father used to cart timber on the West Coast by tractor in his sawmilling business.

The International Harvester Co has always been his favourite make for trucks, agricultural and construction equipment or tractors.

The gold and white International Harvester runabout he drove when he was courting his future wife Jo in 1963 would also be on display at the show.

Mr Dippie said mechanics had spent the past two weeks working on the vintage tractors and trucks at the Wallis Mt Barker property ``but we've got them all going now''.

There would be tractors from every decade since the 1920s and all of them would be International Harvester except for one which was a Wallis tractor, bought because it had the same name and spelling as Mr Wallis.


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