All motivated to take part in census

At the Multicultural Football Festival, Wanaka Recreation Centre on Saturday February 25, 2023...
At the Multicultural Football Festival, Wanaka Recreation Centre on Saturday February 25, 2023 were from left Bene Schwarz of Wanaka, Lusia Daumeke of Suva Fiji, who is in Central Otago on holiday, and Dioni Naivaluvea of Cromwell. Bene and Dioni are working for NZ Census. PHOTO: MARJORIE COOK
Everyone is being encouraged to stand up and be counted, regardless of whether they were born in New Zealand or are visitors.

Census NZ is on March 7. It usually takes place every five years.

The data collected is used by central and local governments and many organisations to plan and provide for community needs and services such as housing, health and infrastructure.

Upper Clutha team leader Dioni Naivaluvea, of Cromwell, was promoting the census with her team at the Multicultural Football Festival at Wanaka on Saturday.

Her mum, Lusia Daumeke, on holiday in Central Otago from Suva, provided moral support.

"We are just here to spread the word so people can take part ... Everyone who is in New Zealand at the time should fill out the census," Mrs Naivaluvea said.

She arrived in Central Otago with her husband Kasiano, a chef, about seven years ago.

She said living in Cromwell was "awesome" and she loved being involved in the community.

People can complete the census online or visit local libraries in Wanaka, Cromwell and Lake Hawea.

Bene Schwarz, a census team leader in Wanaka, grew up in the town.

He said people were available to help fill out the form.

He has already visited the Aspiring Lifestyle Village to help residents there.

"It was awesome talking to the oldies.

"They’ve got some incredible stories about the area and also historical photographs.

"It is all about community connection."