Supervision, monitoring for threatening elderly woman with needle

A 77-year-old woman who moved to Invercargill to be safe was now scared to leave her home after a woman threatened her with a syringe and told her "I will get you and you will die."

Courtney Zara Meijer (21) appeared for sentence in the Invercargill District Court yesterday for possession of a needle with intent to use it to threaten violence and threatening to injure.

In reading out the summary of facts to the court, Judge Jim Large said the victim, who was not known to Meijer, had noticed raised voices outside her home on January 31 and went outside to investigate.

She came across Meijer looking through some bins.

Judge Large said: "You directed a tirade of abuse at her, telling her you wanted her to have a heart attack.

"You held up a metal needle attached to a syringe and you told her ‘I will get you and you will die."

The victim’s impact statement said she moved to Invercargill from Christchurch to feel safer as she was having to barricade herself in her house.

"Now she’s frightened to go out anywhere. She’s frightened you are going to attack her," Judge Large said.

"She summed it up in her last line [of the statement]: ‘I shouldn’t have to live like this’; she’s correct, she shouldn’t."

Meijer did not consent to staying in prison until a place became vacant at a residential drug and alcohol facility.

Through counsel Olivia Taylor, Meijer said she wanted the matter dealt with and wanted to stay in Christchurch on her release.

Meijer, who had already served almost two months in custody, was sentenced by Judge Large to 18 months’ intensive supervision and 12 months’ judicial monitoring. He also ordered destruction of the needle.

