Counsellor secretly filmed young girl and offered drugs

A Dunedin man who set up a camera in a bathroom to discreetly record a young girl claimed he left it there by accident.

Isaiah Taukave McGoon, 52, appeared in the Dunedin District Court last week after earlier admitting charges of making and possessing intimate visual recordings and multiple drug-related charges.

The court heard that before September last year, McGoon had installed a security camera in a bathroom.

The defendant downloaded recordings of a girl using the toilet to his phone and viewed them.

McGoon had transferred 24 still images and 18 videos — which were captured between May 17 and July 24 last year — to his phone.

In a report for the court, the defendant said he was using drugs at the time and had left the camera in a bathroom by accident.

"I think you’re kidding yourself", Judge David Robinson said.

The judge said there was a "high level of pre-meditation" involved in installing and maintaining the camera and transferring the images to his phone.

The court heard between May 20 and July 24 last year, McGoon was working in a role which involved counselling and interaction with people in the grips of controlled drug addiction.

During this time, he offered to supply cannabis plant, cannabis oil, MDMA and Xanax under aliases on Facebook.

On one occasion he offered someone cannabis as payment for a car.

Judge Robinson did not detect any remorse from the defendant for recording the girl in a bathroom.

"You show no real insight ... [nor do you] accept the seriousness of that aspect of the offending", he said.

He said the drug offending was hypocritical as McGoon had a diploma in addiction counselling and was employed as a Whanau Ora navigator.

"You were in a position of responsibility working with people with drug addictions", Judge Robinson said.

Counsel Andrew Dawson said his client was keen to address his own addiction issues, which he had struggled with in previous years.

"He has climbed this mountain before, so there can be some confidence that he can do it again", Mr Dawson said.

Judge Robinson sentenced McGoon to 23 months’ imprisonment. , PIJF court reporter


