Southland kitchen fire spreads to ceiling

A kitchen fire spread to the ceiling of a Southland farmworker's house this morning.

A Fire and Emergency New Zealand spokesman said firefighters were called to an address near the intersection of Rakahouka-Hedgehope Rd and Mabel-Grove Bush Rd about 8.35am.

Fire and Emergency New Zealand Station Officer Kris Atkins said the fire had started in the kitchen of a farmworker’s house and had gone up into the roof where it had spread.

The occupants had done the right thing by evacuating promptly.

Firefighters contain a fire at a farmworkers house near Hedgehope, Southland. Photo: Toni McDonald
Firefighters contain a fire at a farmworkers house near Hedgehope, Southland. Photo: Toni McDonald

A fire investigator would attend to determine the cause of the fire, the Station Officer said.

Appliances from Invercargill and Kingswell stations, as well as volunteers from Hedgehope station, arrived at the address and were putting out the fire at about 9.15am.

Residents of the address were safe and the cause of the fire was unknown, the spokesman said.

