West Otago Health Ltd chairman Allister Body said a five-room extension to the Ribbonwood Country Home in Tapanui — begun in August — remained within its $1.65 million budget, and on schedule for a May opening.
Mr Body put the relatively smooth sailing down to careful forward planning, and a long-standing relationship with key contractor, Cook Brothers Construction.
"Obviously it’s a very challenging environment for construction projects at present, given demand for workers and well-documented supply chain issues," he said.
"We’re still keeping our fingers crossed, but because we were aware of those challenges, we tried to procure materials as far in advance as possible.
"We’re also using the same contractor for the extension that built the original rest-home, alongside a cookie-cutter design, meaning we can be confident both in what we’re getting, and that it will be on time and on budget."
The original 14-bed home had run at nearly 100% capacity since it was opened in 2014, and new rooms were expected to fill quickly, he said.
One of the five new rooms would be reserved for flexible respite and palliative care.
The project would also allow for better infection control by providing a second entrance for staff.
Mr Body thanked the West Otago community for its continued funding support.