Ngai Tahu group promotes Maori experiences

A person has the beach to themself at Tautuku Bay (below) on the Southern Scenic Route.
Tautuku Bay in the Catlins. Photo: ODT files
A Ngai Tahu economic development project has already helped launch one tourism business in the Dunedin, and should soon help another in the Catlins.

Takiwa Tourism is a new umbrella group that brings together Ulva's Guided Walks at Stewart Island, Maori Tours Kaikoura, and Te Ana Rock Art in Timaru.

It was joined at Trenz this week by new member Karitane Maori Tours, an operation featuring waka rides and cultural experiences, backed by the Kati Huirapa Runaka at Karitane.

A Ngai Tahu spokeswoman said yesterday another whanau-based operation was in development in the Catlins.

She said Takiwa Tourism was a tribal economic development project developed to grow and promote a sustainable, culturally rich Maori tourism industry.

The project was developed to provide opportunity for Maori to develop commercial enterprises that could help provide for their communities, and met the demand for small-scale authentic Maori tourism operations.

A website had been launched to promote the operations, and the members would work together at projects such as organising their promotions at Trenz.

Operations already involved included experiences from guided walking tours and fishing charters to bird watching and eco-tourism adventures.

They were "all delivered from a Maori world view".

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