Graduation tradition continues family legacy

West Otago resident and Otago University graduate Piper Munro is the most recent person of seven...
West Otago resident and Otago University graduate Piper Munro is the most recent person of seven in her family to use the same graduation cap. PHOTO: EVELYN THORN
A graduation tradition is yet to be capped from celebrations throughout the entire country.

The Gawn family graduation cap has been passed down high-achieving family members with the most recent being Piper Munro, of West Otago.

The first person to wear the cap was James Gawn, commonly known as Algie by his family, when he completed his master of science degree at Otago University’s Knox College, as it was known then, in 1932.

Mr Gawn was the first dux of South Otago High School in 1926 and lived in the Romahapa area until his death.

He bought the cap at the time, as they could only be bought instead of rented during those years.

Since then, six more people in the family have used it to celebrate their achievements in graduating from universities throughout the country, from as far away as tertiary education in Auckland.

The most recent graduate has been West Otago resident Piper Munro, who graduated from the University of Otago in December last year.

She had completed a bachelor of arts degree, majoring in history and minoring in theatre.

She said she was "excited" to learn there was a family cap in her last year of studying.

"I had rented a cap out but realised Algie’s one fit better."

Miss Munro said she "envisioned the cap being moth-eaten and old" but was surprised it was still in good condition.

"Turns out grandma and mum had been keeping it pretty nicely boxed up the whole time."

She said knowing the number of people who had worn the hat "tickled her fancy" since she had majored in history and was interested in it.

Miss Munro is heading to Camp America in June to see the world and hopes to become a teacher.

She had thought about what Algie would think of everyone’s achievements.

"If Algie was alive today, I think he’d be quite proud of all of us."