Motorbike goes 'straight under car' in Queenstown

Emergency services at the scene of a serious crash between a motorbike and car in Man St, Queenstown. Photo: Daisy Hudson
Emergency services at the scene of a serious crash between a motorbike and car in Man St, Queenstown. Photo: Daisy Hudson

A motorcyclist has been seriously injured in a collision with car in Queenstown's CBD this afternoon.

Police, St John and firefighters were called to the scene, at a roundabout on Man St, at 2.35pm.

A witness said she saw the motorbike "go straight under the car''.

"Everybody was screaming, it was crazy,'' she said.

"It was really scary.''

She said it appeared the man on the motorbike had tried to turn down a street off the roundabout at the same time as a car was turning.

The motorcyclist could be seen lying face-first on the road following the scene, surrounded by emergency service personnel.

A St John spokesman said the man was taken to Lakes District Hospital in a serious condition.

