Truckloads of taste at new dining area

New outdoor dining area Yum Hub’s opened on Shotover St. PHOTO: OLIVIA JUDD
New outdoor dining area Yum Hub’s opened on Shotover St. PHOTO: OLIVIA JUDD
Yum Hub’s serving up a new option for Queenstown diners.

The outdoor food court recently opened on an empty Shotover St section, beside The Lofts Apartments.

Already, Habebes, KTM Mo: Mo Station (Nepalese dumplings), Japanz Kitchen and cafe Poor Decisions have set up shop.

Yum Hub founder Min says by the end of this month there’ll be three more vendors — El Cordobes, which has been selling Argentinian sandwiches at the Remarkables Market, Excuse My Crepes and Wānaka’s Kai Kikokiko, which sells slow-cooked meats.

Min says the goal is to ensure the number of vendors at Yum Hub continues to grow, along with the range of cuisines. "We are only allowing one food truck per cuisine at the hub, to keep a variety of options."

The inaugural night market — which will be a regular Friday occurrence from 6pm till 9pm — was held this week, while Min’s starting a four-week "weekend market" trial from next Saturday, and is also constructing a stage on site to enable live music from Fridays to Sundays.

He believes the space, with seating capacity for 36, is exactly what Queenstown needs.

"It provides a nice alternative to fancy restaurants in town and gives locals the option to get a cheap lunch during the week — people who are living or working here can try a new type of food to eat every day." 

