Stevens takes by-election in landslide win

Scott Stevens.
Scott Stevens.
Arrowtown businessman Scott Stevens has won the Arrowtown by-election by a landslide, getting  756 votes.

Mr Stevens, who replaces retired councillor Lex Perkins, will be sworn on to the Queenstown Lakes District Council on May 28.

Electoral officer Jane Robertson released the provisional results yesterday after voting closed at noon.

Basil Walker received 103 votes while Howard Scott, of Dunedin, received 26 votes.

The voter turnout was 46%.

Ms Robertson said 14 special votes and 35 ordinary votes delivered by hand yesterday morning had yet to be counted, with the final result expected to be declared early next week.

Speaking to the Otago Daily Times yesterday, Mr Stevens said he was looking forward to the challenges ahead.

''I don't feel daunted. I feel excited.

''I'm under no illusions that coming in mid-term will be difficult, but I also do get the opportunity ... to get in there and really just hit the ground running and just get stuck straight into it.

''There won't be any honeymoon or warm-up period.''

The first-time councillor also hoped his term would be longer than 18 months, signalling his intention to seek re-election next year.

Mr Stevens said he would celebrate the win next Thursday at the Fork'n Tap in Arrowtown, Members of the community were welcome to join him there from 5pm.

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