Name: Prue Vaughan
Job title: Coronet Peak retail assistant
Q Where are you from?
A Yanchep, Western Australia.
Q How many seasons have you done in the job and why did you choose it?
A First season. To do something different and learn how to snowboard. And to throw snowballs as well.
Q How would you describe the work?
A Never a dull moment, as there are always things to try on in the shop.
Q What's the best thing about it?
A Talking to all the customers, getting to go on the snow and hearing Toshi's (head of department) stories.
Q And the worst thing?
A Wanting to buy all the best and most expensive products.
Q How are you settling in to life in Queenstown?
A I've been here five months. The best thing about Queenstown is there are so many places to get good food, especially hot chips. And of course the views!
Q What's the best advice you have for someone moving to Queenstown for seasonal work?
A Get your job sorted early and bring plenty of cash.
Q What's been your most amusing skifield experience to date?
A When Spike and Shred come in and destroy the shop, as well as scaring little kids away.