Shortfall in dog control resources

As dog complaints soar in the Queenstown Lakes, three of the district's four dog control positions are vacant.

Figures for the year to June show dog attacks rose an alarming 107% to 95, of which 16 were on people and 79 on other animals or livestock.

A Queenstown Lakes District Council dog control report for the period admits its efforts are "reactive rather than proactive'' because of the vacancies and the surge in calls from the public.

Despite the number of registered dogs increasing only 4.8% to 4143 in the period, calls about barking dogs surged by 61% to 220, roaming dog complaints increased by 29% to 436 and impoundings rose 26% to 164.

The number of dogs classified by the council as menacing has more than doubled from 10 to 26 in the past two years.

Report author and council regulatory support co-ordinator Heidi Thomson told councillors at their full meeting last month that enforcement was "thin on the ground''.

But regulatory manager Lee Webster told the Otago Daily Times there were no immediate plans to boost staff numbers.

Of the district's four combined dog control and parking roles, three were vacant but were being covered by a contractor.

When asked if an influx of unregistered dogs could be behind the spike in complaints, Mr Webster said he did not want to speculate, but it was possible the community was reporting more incidents.

"What we know is that if dog owners keep their dogs under control or confined, we would not have the increases.''

Staff numbers would be reviewed once the vacancies were filled.

"At that point we will be better able to determine whether we need to ask the council to allocate more resources to the parking and animal control function.''



Dogs in Queenstown
(year to June 2015)

• Dog attacks up 107% (95)

• Number of registered dogs up 4.8% (4143)

• Complaints about barking dogs up 61% (220)

• Complaints about roaming dogs up 29% (436)

• Impoundings up 26% (164) 


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