Newest primary school has big open day crowd

Prospective pupils and parents at the Remarkables Primary School open day (from left) Jesse Heal ...
Prospective pupils and parents at the Remarkables Primary School open day (from left) Jesse Heal (8), principal Debbie Dickson, Ryan Heal (11), Michelle Walker, Lily Brown (4), Ruby Walker (2), Scott Walker, Brodie Walker (6) and Jackie Guiney. Photo by Matt Stewart.
Queenstown's newest primary school was swamped with prospective parents and pupils yesterday - all there to glimpse the future of education.

Remarkables Primary School principal Debbie Dickson was lead host at the open day, which was held to assist the Ministry of Education in gauging likely pupil and staff numbers for the 2011 academic year.

"We are excited to open our doors to the community and showcase the completed school," Mrs Dickson said.

Families got to meet school team leaders and "our awesome teaching team, hear about our amazing school design, our learning programmes, our outdoor education programmes, our school uniform and, of course, tour our fabulous facilities".

The school has been opening up in stages since year 1 and 2 entrants started in February - by the time year 7 and 8s have enrolled in 2012 the school is expected to have a roll of about 460 pupils.

Year 5 and 6 intakes begin next year and they comprised the biggest group to show up yesterday to hear about the school's vision and philosophy.


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