Overcrowding at Remarkables Primary School in Queenstown will be the top discussion topic at a community consultation meeting at the school tonight.
Education Minister Anne Tolley has highlighted the issue as a concern and wants the school's zoning addressed by September 12.
Senior Ministry of Education (MOE) representatives Raymond Webb,and Christina Young from the Dunedin office will be at the meeting to discuss the proposed enrolment zone changes.
The proposed new "home zone" would include houses on the south side of Frankton Rd from Shotover Bridge to Kawarau Rd; all streets accessed from McBride St and Yewlett Cres; Frankton; Kelvin Heights and south to Wye Creek, including Jacks Point.
Areas that would become "out of zone" are Lake Hayes Estate, Quail Rise, Tucker Beach, Marina Heights and the northern side of Frankton Rd.
Board of Trustees chair John Stalker said students attending the school would not be affected, but the proposed changes would affect those pre-enrolled, from a date yet to be determined by the ministry.
Mr Stalker said long-term planning for roll growth from the school so far had been rejected by the ministry and the zone changes would be only a short-term fix for a growing district.
"We've been talking to the MOE for the past couple of months and have put forward a number of proposals as to how the ministry could take a long-term view towards planning for continuing roll growth in this district, not just at our school," he said.
"Unfortunately, most of these proposals have been rejected to date, and we see the current zone change as little more than a short-term 'band aid fix' to an issue that will ultimately affect every family with young children in this district."
If the new zone comes into effect, the board is proposing it start as early as term two next year, although this will be subject to ministry approval.
At this stage, the board will not offer out-of-zone placements for 2012, but this will be reviewed in September 2012.
- Olivia Caldwell