A $15 million adventure tourism ride planned for Queenstown has a conditional tick of approval from a council planner.
IFly Indoor Skydiving NZ Ltd wants to build a skydiving simulator in upper Brecon St, near the Skyline gondola terminal - an area earmarked for greater commercial activity.
A hearing will be held today, before independent commissioner Andrew Henderson.
The 40m-long building housing the simulator will be 13.6m tall at its highest point - almost twice the permitted height.
The owners of neighbouring cafe Bespoke Kitchen - voted New Zealand's best cafe latelast year - and landlord Murray Frost oppose IFly's proposal, saying it is unsuitable for the area.
However, Queenstown Lakes District Council senior planner Liz Hislop recommended it be approved, with changes in the building cladding's colour, signs and a reduction in street-level glazing and commercial-style screening.
The proposal breaches several other planning rules, including noise and parking provisions.
Ms Hislop said the building was expected to visually dominate the area and cast extensive shadows on adjacent buildings.
The loss of privacy and outlook by neighbours was acceptable, and the building was a "practical and efficient use of the site'', she said.
She said while the site was zoned residential, it was a commercial precinct which would be rezoned under so-called plan change 50, which aimed to extend the resort's town centre.
The council's urban designer Paula Costello said the building design would be "somewhat different'' to existing buildings and look out of place.
IFly's application said larger buildings were anticipated by the draft district plan and the plan change.
"The activity, once operational, will help reinforce Queenstown's status as the adventure capital of the world,'' the application said.
IFly has more than 35 operations worldwide. The Queenstown simulator will operate 24 hours a day, every day of the year, with 10 staff on-site at any time.
Noise consultant Stephen Chiles, who did not visit the site, said predicted noise would meet the limits of a town centre, if the site's zoning was changed.
The nearest house is 40m away.
Under the district plan, 26 car parks should be provided on the site. However, IFly wants to build only 13, including six for visitors.
Ms Hislop said allowing the application would not set an undesirable precedent.
IFly has been asked to provide detailed plans and cross sections of the building, after opponents said the company's plans were not detailed enough.
IFly has signed a long-term lease on the undeveloped section with owner Queenstown Gold Ltd.
The operation has several supporters, including the New Zealand Parachute Organisation.