Morgans tour highways and byways

Just five of 44 Morgans in Oamaru yesterday for an international rally with their drivers and...
Just five of 44 Morgans in Oamaru yesterday for an international rally with their drivers and navigators (from right) Neville Hay (Auckland, 1996 Morgan Plus 8), Scott Murray (Auckland, 2004 Anniversary Plus 8), Lindsay Purvis (Omarama, 2010 Aero 8), Bob Murray and Jim Taylor (California, 1962 Plus 4) and Gary Johnson (northern California) and David Hammond (Oregon, 1958 Plus 4). Photo by David Bruce.
Three weeks touring NewZealand in an open-top car seems a dream, providing the weather co-operates.

While some of the 44 cars on an international Morgan car rally, which stopped in Oamaru yesterday before heading for Omarama and Mt Cook, are hard-tops, most of them are convertibles.

The rally started in Auckland on February 14 and is now circling the South Island, before finishing again in Auckland on Monday, where some of the cars will be shipped backed to their countries of ownership.

Rally organiser Scott Murray said the overseas contingent included six cars from the United Kingdom, three from the United States and one from Australia.

A Swiss couple and a woman from England had hired Morgans to drive in the rally.

The latest model on the rally was a 2011 Roadster, while there was also a 2010 Aero 8 and 2010 Supersport.

The first Morgan rally was held two years ago for owners of the 200 cars of various ages of the marque which exist in New Zealand.

Because it was the 100th anniversary of Morgan, no overseas drivers took part.

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