Friends, family help to mark anniversary

Val and Ted Tempero celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary in Oamaru last week. PHOTO: NIC DUFF
Val and Ted Tempero celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary in Oamaru last week. PHOTO: NIC DUFF
Oamaru couple Ted and Val Tempero have celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary.

Last Thursday the couple had lunch with their two children, who were down from Christchurch, to celebrate their big day before hosting friends at their home at the weekend.

"It was just quiet wee celebrations with our family meal and then a few of our friends and some of our wedding party were here on Sunday," Mrs Tempero said.

They were married in 1965 at St Paul’s Church in Oamaru.

They had met four years previously at the dances the Scottish Hall used to host.

"That was all the rage those days," Mr Tempero said.

"My dad was the emcee for all the dances so he obviously approved [of Ted]," Mrs Tempero said.

Mr Tempero was a builder by trade and built a house for the two of them even before they were married.

They both share a passion for sport.

Mrs Tempero played netball and was in a marching team while Mr Tempero is a life member of Union Cricket Club, North Otago Cricket and Otago Cricket.

He also played rugby and golf, the latter of which Mrs Tempero also played for a while.

The couple have worked together as well, owning a number of different businesses, including a retail store and a manufacturing shop.

They had both enjoyed a busy life, Mrs Tempero said.

It involved "playing sport and bringing up kids and everything until they both went off to teacher’s college and varsity which freed up a bit of time".

Nowadays, she spends her days either in the garden or in the kitchen baking.

Mrs Tempero is a part of Good Bitches Baking, a charitable organisation throughout New Zealand that delivers home baking to those in need.

"That’s a bit of an interest, it keeps me off the street."

The couple have two children and three grandchildren.