You are not permitted to download, save or email this image. Visit image gallery to purchase the image. Southland 0 CommentsState Highway 1 in Edendale, between Coal Pit Rd and North Rd, has now reopened after a single-vehicle crash about 3pm today. Drivers are advised to expect delays as congestion eases through the area. Related Stories SUBSCRIBER Cowan celebrates 40 years with MLT SUBSCRIBER Councils’ water coalition now numbers four Cost of CCTV project for town soars Area’s first women’s fly-fishing academy being held SUBSCRIBER District plan not to be paused despite proposal Every day different for harbourmaster Toxic algae warning for Southland rivers SUBSCRIBER Happy over school’s viability New three-strike system for recycling SUBSCRIBER Positive vibes all round from National Model T Club’s tour Recycling rule breakers could lose bins Appleby extend lead with comfortable win More