The school opened in 1875 and has seen many significant moments and multiple generations of local families attending.
The school’s 150th jubilee committee has organised the celebrations to be held from Friday, April 11, to Sunday, April 13.
Board of trustees chairman Ross Hay is excited about the sesquicentennial celebration.
"It’s a good chance for a reunion. It’s [involving] a lot of past school members as well — it should be good fun," he said.
The weekend celebrations include a special assembly and school tour on April 11, with a tree-planting ceremony and a lunch organised by the Home and School committee followed by a dinner on the Saturday night.
Mr Hay said the dinner would be a grand opportunity, particularly for past pupils to "share their memories".
Principal Stella Macrae said she was looking forward to meeting all those "who hold Maheno School dear in their hearts".
"Many of the visitors who come along to the jubilee may be surprised to see just how different things look — but also how some things are just the same as they remember them. It’s a very exciting time," Mrs Macrae said.
A new mural at the school had been painted in time for the jubilee.
"All of our students and staff have loved being part of the planning and watching our very talented local artist and parent Tracey Vickers-Anderson bring it to life right in front of our eyes."
Among those attending would be the McNally family who were fourth-generation attendees at Maheno School, Mrs Macrae said.
"James and Bridget are very active parents in our community. James is a member of our board of trustees and Bridget is the president of our Home and School committee as well as a very valued part-time teacher.
"James’ mother Kathrin still has a lot to do with school and is often seen at school on pet days, school trips and is a regular attendee of our school assemblies."
Mrs Macrae said the past 150 years had seen a "whole lot of change".
Today’s pupils continue to benefit from the legacy built by past generations of Maheno School families including the swimming pool, building upgrades and the playground equipment.