This month, the company will begin to deliver water to some farmers in its new 10,000ha command area, which stretches down the Kakanui Valley.
And this month, all 114km of pipeline in the scheme's expansion would be installed, chief executive Robyn Wells said yesterday.
Testing of the first section of the expansion - from the head pond in Ngapara-Georgetown Rd to nearby Queens Flat - began last month, and ``invariably ... a few bolts need to be tightened and a few valves need to be fixed'', she said.
Mrs Wells said the spring rain, while welcomed by
farmers, had slowed installation of the remaining pipeline.
``We're down to a few kilometres [outstanding],'' Mrs Wells said.
``We work against the rain - which has been fantastic for the farmers in terms of spring growth, although I think they'd like a bit of sun at the moment - we were up to, like, 4km to 6km a week, but we're just doing about 2km at the moment. and I think we've got 5km left.
``It's just been tough,'' she said.
``We only get a couple of days and then it rains and then we have to stop.
``Within the next couple of weeks, I would think, we'll hit that milestone as well, and that would really be something to celebrate, having all the pipes installed.''
The company's ``best case scenario'' pegged November as the likely start for farmers on three of the scheme's lines. Shareholders in the Kauru Hill, Herbert, and All Day Bay area were expected to receive water before the new year.
When complete, the company's irrigation scheme would cover about 25,000ha and supply water for nearly 200 shareholders.
A share provides 0.4 litres per second per hectare, which is equivalent to 25mm per week.