IRD chases couple for $3.6m

A North Otago couple is being pursued for more than $3.6 million in unpaid taxes and penalties by the Inland Revenue Department.

Simon David Guy and Robyn Lesley Guy, of Georgetown, northwest of Oamaru, and their trading partnership Simon D. and Robyn L. Guy Partnership, were yesterday served notice by the IRD in three separate advertisements placed in The Oamaru Mail of proceedings being taken against them in the Oamaru District Court.

According to the notices, the IRD says Mr Guy owes them $1,801,900, Mrs Guy $1,773,122 and the partnership $26,431.

The IRD is also seeking court costs and solicitors' fees.

When contacted yesterday, Mr Guy said they would be taking action against the proceedings, but he was unable to say what that would be.

It would involve filing a statement of defence to the claims.

He did not want to comment further while the issue was before the court.

The IRD yesterday, when contacted, would not comment on the proceedings.

It said it would not comment on individual cases.

Yesterday's advertisements were lodged by IRD to notify Mr and Mrs Guy of the proceedings against them in the Oamaru court to recover the amount it said was owed.

The advertisements were in lieu of physically serving notices on the couple.

For the advertisements to be placed, the IRD would have had to satisfy the court that it had made unsuccessful attempts to physically serve notices on Mr and Mrs Guy.

Yesterday's advertisements advised the couple they had to file a statement of defence to the claims within 30 days.

If a statement of defence was not filed within that time, the IRD could ask the court to enter a judgement for the amount claimed.

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