Driver seeking support

Steve Robertson at a crash in Cromwell in 2015. Photos supplied.
Steve Robertson at a crash in Cromwell in 2015. Photos supplied.
Steve Robertson.
Steve Robertson.

The team behind North Otago race driver Steve Robertson hopes to get their man to the North Island's Valvoline Speedweek.

Mr Robertson is the only driver from the Otago Region going to the saloon event, comprising six race meetings in six days across the North Island, between Christmas and New Year.

Mr Robertson (25) said he viewed the event as vital for the New Zealand saloon championship in January.

"It's just to get better.''

He had been racing since he was 12 in a mini stock car and what helped him to continue were the victories he enjoyed along the way.

"That sort of keeps you going.''

Mr Robertson's main aim in his career was to become the number one saloon driver in New Zealand.

One of his key supporters and organisers, his mother, Fiona Moffitt, said fundraising was set to begin to get Mr Robertson north to compete in a car that he, his brother Andy, and friend Jason de Buyzer built.

"Of course, he has fantastic sponsors who have stuck by him for the past few years which we are very grateful for, but it won't cover the cost this season.''

She said other competitors at the event were people with financial backing from the companies they owned and Mr Robertson was relying on his truck driver's wage to cover this year's costs.

She said support from the public would be greatly appreciated and could be shown at a fundraiser on the evening of July 15 at North Otago Hotels and Motels, with a quiz night and auction.

"He's a got a real shot to do well in this tournament.

"He's going to race the New Zealand title at the end of January and he needs the experience of this rally to be able to do well in that.

"You've got to be into win.''

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