District prosperity lies with irrigation

Irrigation is vital if the economic growth experienced in the Waimate district in recent years is to continue, Waimate Mayor John Coles said this week.

At an Environment Canterbury (ECan) hearing in Oamaru, Mr Coles put the support of his district behind the proposed Waihao Downs Irrigation scheme, which would irrigate 6800ha on 51 farms in the Waihao catchment of the Waimate district.

The scheme has applied to ECan to take up to 3.5 cumecs of water from the lower Waitaki River, pump it up 120m, then distribute it under pressure by underground pipes for spray irrigation.

Last year, at hearings in Timaru, the council gave similar support to the proposed $150 million-$200 million Meridian Energy-South Canterbury Irrigation Trust's Hunter Downs scheme, which would irrigate up to 40,000ha in the district.

"In brief, the Waimate District Council believes the [Waihao Downs] scheme is integral to the economic and social well-being of our community and is essential if the present pattern of growth we are experiencing is to continue," he said.

Mr Coles believed the bulk of public opinion in the district favoured the scheme, with certain provisions.

"Our community could see the economic benefits that would ensue but, at the same time, were keen to ensure the environmental values were protected," he said.

The increase in dairying, a new milk processing plant at Studholme and agricultural development had increased employment opportunities in Waimate, particularly for young people who did not have to move out of the district for jobs.

For the first time in 20 years, Statistics NZ had reported Waimate's population was increasing.

Mr Coles said existing irrigation schemes needed 100% reliability of water supply and new schemes a 95% reliability.

The Waihao Downs scheme could proceed only if there was a reliable supply of water.

"The future growth and prosperity of our district depends hugely on present and future water supplies that can be secured by projects such as Waihao Downs Irrigation.," Mr Coles said.

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