‘Team effort’ with granddad secures flower show award

Hayley Lawrence and her grandfather Ray Lawrence hold the champion vase Margaret Clark Cup,...
Hayley Lawrence and her grandfather Ray Lawrence hold the champion vase Margaret Clark Cup, awarded to "Diamond K J" (in the background), at the North Otago Horticultural Society, on Saturday. PHOTO: JULES CHIN
The North Otago Horticultural Society (NOHS) had its Spring Flower Show in Oamaru’s Scottish Hall at the weekend, and for one championship winner a green thumb appears to run in the family.

The flower show featured narcissi, cut flowers, vegetables, floral art, pot plants and photography and drew a large crowd.

Hayley Lawrence, the granddaughter of NOHS life member and winner of 203 championships Ray Lawrence, won the champion vase Margaret Clark Cup.

It was the first flower show she had entered and she said it was a "team effort" with support from her grandfather.

"I have a full guide written by Granddad. That was handy to have."

The prizewinner won for most points in novice classes for the narcissi section with a flower bred and named after her aunty and Ray’s daughter, Kay, "Diamond K J".

Miss Lawrence said she gained a lot of experience and had a "good hand to start with" after moving into her grandfather’s old home and inheriting his garden.

North Otago Horticultural Society publicity officer Lynda Hoskins said it was great to see the younger generation entering the show.

McLean Cup narcissi winner Lesley McIntosh’s grandson Dylan also exhibited this year.

It was the first show for the new president of the society, Cristine Schaffer.

Mrs Schaffer said the show went "extremely well" and had a "lovely lot of flowers".

She said the society was happy to receive new novice entries and a surprise entry.

"It’s the first time we’ve ever had a man enter in the floral art."

Mrs Schaffer also acknowledged the expertise and work of the retiring president, Marion Partridge.
