'Subdivision by stealth'

Kohler Presqui'le suite, from Mico Bathrooms.
Kohler Presqui'le suite, from Mico Bathrooms.
The Central Otago Environmental Society is accusing an Alexandra developer of subdivision by stealth.

A second application to subdivide land on the Raggedy Range off McIntosh Rd at Poolburn, has been lodged by Alexandra developer Shaun McLellan.

Mr McLellan obtained consent earlier this year to split 17ha off land he owns on the Raggedy Range so he could graze sheep.

He has now applied for another 17ha to be subdivided off the remaining 556ha he owns.

Society spokesman Richard Kohler said the society would oppose the application.

The society was concerned about how "subdivision by stealth" was affecting the Raggedy Range, he said.

Mr Kohler and his family live next to the area and he had strongly opposed the previous application, saying it would create a precedent and the road into the land would be visible from long distances away.

He questioned the need to subdivide land when it was only going to be used for grazing sheep.

"Any potential buyers thinking they will be able to put a house in there will have a tremendous fight on their hands," Mr Kohler said.

The application also includes a request to construct a rural right of way with batters, or slices out of the hillside with fill.

Submissions close with the Central Otago District Councilon July 31.

The society will also make submissions on the proposed Hurd development near the historic Ophir bridge.

The Auckland developers want to build a large dwelling next to the bridge, which the society says will spoil the view of the bridge.

The same developers have also applied for consent to redevelop the old butchery at Ophir.

The owners want to extend the building and construct a six double-bedroom, high-end travellers accommodation block with a cafe, wine bar and spa pool.

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