Waka Kotahi/NZ Transport Agency has replaced the culvert at Golf Course Creek on State Highway 8 as part of a flood protection resilience programme.
The work resulted in a full road closure and detours. It was scheduled for eight days but was finished in just over half that time because of good planning and good weather, senior network manager Robert Choveaux said.
“The works included a significant detour. We know this will have been particularly inconvenient for locals and really appreciate their patience while completing these really important works. This is the second culvert to be replaced in the area and will alleviate pressure when it floods.”

Project engineer Sam Gillaly said it was a challenging installation.
“With anything of this size planning and logistics are important. Each piece has to be lowered into place by crane and then manoeuvred into place by the crews on the ground.
“Due to material shortages and delays we had a short window to complete this and the culvert itself only arrived on site on Wednesday from Winton.”
While the road was closed other works were also completed, including paving at Millers Flat and tree removal by the Roxburgh Golf Club.
The road will reopen at approximately 4pm today and bypass signs will be removed once work is complete.
Despite the road reopening, further associated works are needed and speed restrictions will be in place for about four weeks.
This includes installing guardrail, adding chip seal, building the concrete shoulder and reinstalling utility and telecom services, Waka Kotahi advised.
Golf Course Creek is the second of three culvert renewals in the area.
The Pumphouse Creek culvert was replaced last year and Black Jacks is up for renewal next year.