The plan was driven by a need to provide for significant growth and the future needs of Central Otago.
Council parks and recreation manager Gordon Bailey said the strategy was necessary to provide for the future needs of the growing Central Otago community.
It had taken several years to formulate the policy which was publicly consulted on at the end of last year.
The policy covered council plans to improve greenway networks, parks, playgrounds and town centres.
It also was designed to strengthen relationships with mana whenua, volunteer groups and developers and to use open spaces to tell local stories and enhance natural areas under council control, he said.
The feedback on the strategy had been largely positive with negative comments mostly from people
wanting more open spaces with associated facilities, and wanting developers to provide open spaces within their plans.
Physical and mental wellbeing were key motivators for people to get out into the open spaces, and the rising participation in sports was another.
As it was a new strategy it was recommended it be reviewed next year in case of any unintended consequences.