Pinders Pond camping limit sought

Pinders Pond, near Roxburgh. Photo: Stephen Jaquiery
Pinders Pond, near Roxburgh. Photo: Stephen Jaquiery
Pinders Pond should be considered for inclusion in any enforcement regime introduced for freedom camping elsewhere in Central Otago, local government leaders say.

The tiny Teviot Valley swimming spot has become more popular with campers over the last couple of seasons and last summer some residents voiced concerns at the increase in campers.

Teviot Valley Community Board chairman Raymond Gunn said this week some Roxburgh residents were becoming uncomfortable with how the Pinders Pond area was changing.

He said the number of campers there at present was "possibly OK", but he would "be reluctant to see it get too much higher".

"It’s a good place for locals and if they feel they can’t go there because of overcrowding then I’m not really keen on that [too many campers]".

The Roxburgh and Districts Lions Clubs had "tidied up" and upgraded the area about 18 months ago, which was good, as it had made it more attractive, but the TVCB had declined a request from the club for more funding to further expand the area, as it did not yet want more campers to stay there, Mr Gunn said.

It could make sense to add Pinders Pond to an enforcement regime being considered for freedom camping elsewhere in Central Otago.

Land and Information New Zealand (Linz) announced last week it was considering enforcing maximum stays at Lake Dunstan sites such as Bendigo, Lowburn, Jacksons and Champagne Gully.

Central Otago Mayor Tim Cadogan supported the idea, and favoured three day per calendar month limits at camping sites to allow bona fide campers but stop those living by the lake.

He also said it would be good to include Pinders Pond in any new enforcement regime, if that was what Teviot Valley residents wanted.

Linz chief executive Crown policy Jerome Sheppard said Linz continued to work with the Central Otago District Council about freedom camping issues, but was unable to comment on Pinders Pond.

"Pinders Pond is managed by the council and we will be working with them on the best strategy moving forward.

"As the area is not looked after by us, we can’t comment at this stage as to whether monitoring or enforcement would be extended to this area."

Mr Gunn also said it could be time to look at developing a new camping area in the Roxburgh district.

At present the only commercial camping ground is in Millers Flat.

Mr Gunn said a camping area in Roxburgh, possibly at the south end of the Roxburgh sportsground, along State Highway 8, would provide more areas for people to camp and economic benefits for Roxburgh.

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