The New Zealand Historic Places Trust (NZHPT) Central Otago branch committee is to hold its annual meeting and chairman David White said the future of the group would be the main topic of discussion.
"This is one of the most important meetings for our future and members and non-members are welcome," Mr White said.
The Ministry of Culture and Heritage has proposed disestablishing trust branch committees and retaining the trust as a Crown entity.
Mr White viewed the proposal as positive, as a steering group had been formed to set up a national organisation which would be a watchdog on heritage issues.
The organisation, yet to be named, would be independent of the trust and could advise on Government and trust policy as well as comment on local heritage issues.
"I think this opens up a tremendous opportunity. It gives us more freedom, as we're not speaking on behalf of the historic places trust and can make submissions in our own right."
Chairwoman of that steering group, Anna Crighton, of Christchurch, who is also a trust board member, will be guest speaker at the Central Otago meeting on Saturday.
Mr White is one of four branch committee chairmen who are on the steering committee.
"So although the branch committee will cease to exist in its current form, probably next year some time, a new national federation will evolve to take a watchdog role and it will have more teeth. I think the future for such a group is very exciting and it's a positive result."
There was the potential for other heritage groups to be part of that organisation as well, he said.
The Central Otago branch committee was revived in September last year after going into recess earlier in the year.
It had 75 members and it was vital for them to attend Saturday's meeting, find about about the future direction for heritage advocacy and have their say, Mr White said.
"We don't to lose the impetus we've built up, and in the future we can be more actively involved in local heritage advocacy."
New Zealand Historic Places Trust Central Otago branch committee annual meeting, Saturday, August 28, at Central Stories Museum in Alexandra, starting at 2.30pm.