Fire fought from air

Three  helicopters with monsoon buckets were last night fighting a 10ha fire in rugged country at Danseys Pass, and trying to prevent the blaze from reaching a forestry area.

Fire and Emergency New Zealand southern communications shift manager Jill Higgison said a fire appliance from Kurow and another from Duntroon, backed by a water tanker, had responded to an initial alert at 12.46pm.

At that stage a fire had been reportedly burning in half a hectare of scrub, and a helicopter was being used to check on the fire, in the Pringles Gully Rd area.

By about 7.30pm yesterday, three helicopters with monsoon buckets were fighting the fire in a 10ha area, but good progress was being made at bringing the blaze under control, Ms Higgison said.

The fire had not reached the forestry area and a light easterly wind was blowing.

Waitaki rural firefighters, backed by four fire appliances, were working to extinguish remaining hot spots on the ground, she said.


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