It is not about challengers to the throne, but a battle for the tin shed as festival floats are yet to find a home to be built in.
Every year, floats of all shapes, sizes and colours form part of the ceremony before the festival queen ascends to the throne in the procession down Alexandra’s Centennial Ave.
For years these have been built in vacant commercial buildings throughout the town, but this year such spaces are proving hard to find.
Festival event manager Martin McPherson said while the lack of available commercial space reflected business positivity with more spaces filled, it was proving a headache for float-builders.
‘‘It’s great for the town, but we are hoping there are people out there with spaces they can offer groups and organisations to build floats,’’ he said.
‘‘This year we celebrate 65 years of the Alexandra Blossom Festival and the grand procession is one of the highlights.
‘‘We are looking forward to seeing amazing floats make their way down Centennial Ave — as long as we can get them built.’’
Those with space available for floats could contact Mr McPherson.