Between you and me

Marty Rendall, Fulton Hogan work supervisor and Alexandra Rugby Club captain

What are you watching and why?

Local Rugby both Central and South Otago. Also been down to Dunedin a couple of times to watch [my daughter] Zoe’s team.

What are your reading and why?

I read ODT each morning and we do the quiz at smoko times.

What are you listening to and why?

With my job I do a lot of driving around Central. So, I listen to audiobooks. Harlan Coben, Bryce Courtenay and Wilbur Smith type stuff.

Favourite weekend pastime?

You probably have guessed, Rugby . It’s my stress release from work. Because I manage a couple of teams, I’m at rugby from mid-January to October.

Favourite place in Central Otago and why?

You can’t beat Molyneux Park on a Saturday watching Alexandra teams playing. Whether it’s the Armadillos or, like last Saturday, when we hosted 36 Rippa teams from all over Central. Apart from the cricket pitch in the centre, Molyneux is the best ground around.

