Glenavy camp soon to turn 125

Glenavy Fishing Camp secretary Trevor Hill (left) and president Noel Simpson are on the hunt for...
Glenavy Fishing Camp secretary Trevor Hill (left) and president Noel Simpson are on the hunt for any former hut owners to attend the camp’s 125th anniversary celebration on Easter Sunday. PHOTO: NIC DUFF
Glenavy Fishing Camp is turning 125 this year.

A celebration of the small settlement’s milestone will be held on Easter Sunday

The camp, situated on the northern side of the Waitaki River mouth, has 63 huts, with two permanent residents living on site.

Camp committee secretary Trevor Hill hoped to attract as many former hut holders to attend.

"Not only present hut holders but there’s quite a few that have been there previously and sold their place but are still very much alive.

"Just to get as many of them together as we can and share a few skiting stories."

Mr Hill is the longest continuously registered hut holder at the camp, having owned his hut since 1977.

"There are a couple of others who have been around the camp longer than I have, but their parents previously had the hut."

He has also been secretary for "about 42 years".

"I’ve had a fair involvement with it."

In his time with the camp, Mr Hill has seen it go through many changes.

Mainly, it has evolved beyond just being a fishing camp.

"In years gone by, it was exactly that — everybody was a fisherman. Today, there’s a lot that they’d probably go fishing occasionally but they’re not what you would call serious fisherman who are down there every weekend.

"It certainly has changed to become more of a holiday camp than a fishing camp."

He fondly recalled memories of visiting the camp when he was a child.

"There used to be massive games of cricket and God knows what played amongst ... other kids the same age.

"Anybody that’s been around for a while and keen on fishing, they really hold the place in high regard."

Mr Hill said the committee had sent out invitations to as many people as it had contact information for.

If anyone had not been contacted but would like to attend the celebration, he encouraged them to email