Today, August 1
HortTalk, Dunedin Botanic Garden information centre, noon.
''Birds in the botanic garden and what they eat,'' by Alan Baker, bird watcher.
Tomorrow, August 2
Dunedin Floral Art Society workshop at St Peter's Church hall, Hillside Rd, 10.15am. All welcome. Inquiries to Faye-Noel 487-8546.
Dunedin Beekeepers Club annual meeting followed by first meeting for season, 1 Coach Rd, Fairfield, Dunedin 1.30pm.
Otago Lily Society meeting, Maori Hill Community Centre, 2pm.
Monday, August 4
North Otago Garden Club will meet in the Foundation of the Blind hall, Steward St. Following the AGM, Barbara Watt will speak of her experiences as an Ellerslie Exhibitor. Flower: a winter treasure; vegetable: a parsnip. A plate for supper please.
Balclutha Garden Club 70th birthday celebration. Inquiries to Margaret (03) 418-4177 or Jenny (03) 418-2004.
Alexandra Garden Club get-together and lunch, Post Office Cafe, Clyde, noon.
Maori Hill Garden Club meets in the Maori Hill Community Centre at 10.30am. Speaker Dylan Norfield, on exhibiting in the NHS.
Tuesday, August 5
Brockville Garden Club meets in the Community Church Hall, at 1.30pm. Guest speaker Dylan Norfield on the UK horticultural show he attended. Afternoon tea, sales table, raffle.
Bonsai meeting, 7.30pm, Holy Cross Church hall, Ajax St, St Kilda. Annual meeting followed by a talk on daffodils with Ron Abernethy. Tree of the Month: Mini show trophy. Contact, 454-2113.
Thursday, August 7
Blueskin Garden Club meets at at the Warrington Hall at 7.30pm. Talk on a recent trip to Turkey by three members. Supper, raffles and usual bloom and vegetable competition to follow. Inquiries to 482-2428.
Sunday, August 10
Otago Rose Society meets at St Peter's Church hall, Hillside Rd, 2pm. Gardens photographic presentations by members. Afternoon tea.
Monday, August 11
Otago/Southland Branch NZ Camellia Society meets at St Peter's Church hall, corner Hillside Rd and Eastbourne St, South Dunedin, 7.30pm. Speaker Neville Peat on ''Wild about nature''. All welcome.