Roxburgh Collection helps make bumper show

Colin Robb, of Roxburgh, with his Ford Zephyr ute and some of his other classic cars at the...
Colin Robb, of Roxburgh, with his Ford Zephyr ute and some of his other classic cars at the Roxburgh Car Show 'n' Shine. Photo by Sarah Marquet.

Classic car owner and collector Colin Robb's restored Ford Zephyr ute is one of his favourites and just one of the ''about 20'' cars he had on display at the sixth annual Roxburgh Car Show 'n' Shine yesterday.

The show, a fundraiser for the local Rotary club, attracted about 100 cars from as far afield as Invercargill, Dunedin, Lawrence and Cromwell and about 500 people.

Mr Robb, who is the third-generation owner of Robb's Garage in Roxburgh, has displayed cars at the show every year ''just to swell numbers''.

Some of the ''about 30'' cars in his collection were ones previously sold by Robb's Garage that he had the opportunity to buy back.

People were able to vote for their favourite car in each of the three categories.

Winners were. - John Weir (Dunedin, 1923 purple T Bucket, customised); Dennis Kirkpatrick (Roxburgh, 1926 Pontiac ''Jimcar'', vintage); Cameron Taylor (Lake Roxburgh Village, 1989 Nissan Skyline Godzilla, classic).

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